
Forum Rules by Jababo


Hello, and welcome to All Things Anime-tion. All communities need rules, and there is no exception for the internet. So, here are the forum rules.

General Rules

  • First, no swearing. All swear words should have been blocked, but I could have missed some. Notable exception, crap is NOT considered a swear word.
  • Second, keep content appropriate, so to speak. Art is subjective, but still, try to keep all of your posts appropriate. Some exceptions may apply.
[/b] regarding rules one and two, I will allow links to videos with swearing and inappropriate content. Do not embed the video, supply a link. You must, however, provide a viewer discretion warning. A good idea would be to use that as part of your link. For example, Viewer Discretion Advised (Just a link to google)[/div]
[li]Third, be respectful and helpful. Criticism is good, when constructive. Don't simply tell someone that their animations, opinions, etc. are wrong, they are subjective.[/li]
[li]Fourth, tying into the last rule, offer constructive criticism. If there is something you don't like about somebody's works, express that, and tell them how they could improve.[/li]
[li]Fifth, and this is a big one, there shall be NO illegally acquired content on this forum. If you find a cool animation on youtube, embed it here; don't download it and post it as your own. If there is an episode of an anime that you would like to share, and can not find a legal link to it, simply post the name of the anime and the episode. Pirating is not advised, but outside of this forum, people can do as they wish. Outside, you can go to any illegal site you want. But while on this forum, illegal content will NOT be tolerated.[/li]
If you have any questions regarding the rules of the forum, feel free to post them under the support board, or message me.

Thank you for your time,
